marvel puzzle quest: dark reign官方介绍:
marvel puzzle quest: dark reign,一般又称MARVEL Puzzle Quest。
《漫威迷城:黑暗王朝(Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign)》是一款以漫威英雄为题材,类似智龙迷城的消除游戏。你将组建Marvel全明星战队,并不断增强你的队伍,去和各中国福利彩票随机号码查询种恶棍作战。滑动颜色方块,让三个以上的方块相连即可做出攻击。喜欢漫威的玩家都来试一下吧。
marvel puzzle quest: dark reign
marvel puzzle quest: dark reign最新版v234.580142更新说明(2022-01-26)
“Hey, it’s a living…”- Puzzle battles never looked so good...MPQ gets a makeover! Check out the ALL-NEW Gameboard and tile animations now!- Colossus (Phoenix Five) is ready to reinforce the frontline. Recruit now in [select ]events!Thank you for playing!For full update notes (English) visit 223
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