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来源: TGBUS原创 作者: SoleilNoir 2025-03-14 16:48:26

The Moron Test Old School官方介绍:


The Moron Test Old School

The Moron Test Old School最新版v4.2.0更新说明(2021-10-13)

The next release of The Moron Test comes packed with the following features:* Complete art re168彩票旧版1.0.0.apkdesign of the game! Enjoy new & existing content with modern updated graphics!* Additional content packs added: Library, Recess, Field Trip & Mab Lab!* Use coins to purchase hints when you are stuck!* New background music to fit the new art!* New visual feedback when buttons are tapped!Thank you for your wonderful support! Keep sending us your feedback so we can improve The Moron Test even more!
如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#iuuu9(dot)com,或移步The Moro168彩票旧版1.0.0.apkn Test Old School官网下载最新版